Demo JS Word Cloud
Vanilla JS Wordcloud
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Word Cloud Example</title>
<script src=""></script>
.tag-cloud-item:hover {
color: inherit;
background: orange;
text-shadow: 0 0 10px, 0 0 10px #fff, 0 0 10px #fff, 0 0 10px #fff;
opacity: 0.5;
.tag-cloud-item a {
color: inherit;
<div id="html_wordcloud" width="800" height="800" class="canvas"></div>
<canvas id="canvas_wordcloud" class="word_cloud" width="800" height="800"></canvas>
function scrollToSection(sectionId) {
var target = document.getElementById(sectionId);
console.log('scrollToSection: ' + sectionId);
if (target) {
target.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth' });
function onClick(item) {
function onWordHover(item) {
// Handle the hover event for a word
if (Array.isArray(item)) {
console.log('Hovered over: ' + item[0]);
// Get all elements with the class "tag-cloud-item"
var tagCloudItems = document.querySelectorAll('.tag-cloud-item');
// Add a click event to each "tag-cloud-item"
function (tagCloudItem) {
tagCloudItem.addEventListener('click', function () {
// Action to perform when a tag is clicked
var words = [
{ text: 'Hello', size: 40 },{ text: 'World', size: 30 },
{ text: 'World', size: 20 },{ text: 'Cloud', size: 10 }, { text: 'Hello', size: 40 },
{ text: 'World', size: 30 },{ text: 'World', size: 20 },
{ text: 'CloudCloud', size: 10 }, { text: 'Hello', size: 40 },
{ text: 'World', size: 60 },{ text: 'World', size: 20 },
{ text: 'Cloud', size: 90 },{ text: 'World', size: 30 },
{ text: 'WordWord', size: 20 },{ text: 'Cloud', size: 10 }, { text: 'Hello', size: 40 },
{ text: 'World', size: 30 },{ text: 'World', size: 20 },
{ text: 'Cloud', size: 10 }, { text: 'Hello', size: 40 },
{ text: 'World', size: 60 },{ text: 'World', size: 20 },
{ text: 'Cloud', size: 90 }, { text: 'World', size: 30 },
{ text: 'World', size: 20 },{ text: 'Cloud', size: 10 }, { text: 'Hello', size: 40 },{ text: 'World', size: 30 },
{ text: 'World', size: 20 },{ text: 'Cloud', size: 10 }, { text: 'Hello', size: 40 },{ text: 'World', size: 60 },
{ text: 'WordWordWord', size: 20 },{ text: 'Cloud', size: 90 },{ text: 'World', size: 30 },{ text: 'World', size: 20 },{ text: 'Cloud', size: 10 }, { text: 'Hello', size: 40 },{ text: 'World', size: 30 },{ text: 'World', size: 20 },{ text: 'Cloud', size: 10 }, { text: 'Hello', size: 40 },{ text: 'World', size: 60 },{ text: 'World', size: 20 },
{ text: 'Cloud', size: 90 },
// Add more words and sizes here
// color = rep_len(c("skyblue", "blue"))
Parameters for wordcloud2 from Rdocumentation
data - data frame with word and freqency of the word
size - Font size, default is 1. The larger size means the bigger word
fontFamily - font used in the word cloud
fontWeight - Font weight to use, e.g. normal, bold or 600
color - color of the text, keyword ’random-dark’ and ’random-light’ can be used.
backgroundColor - Color of the background
minRotation - If the word should rotate, the minimum rotation (in rad) the text should rotate.
maxRotation - If the word should rotate, the maximum rotation (in rad) the text should rotate.
shuffle - Shuffle the points to draw so the result will be different each time for the same list and settings.
rotateRatio - Probability for the word to rotate. Set the number to 1 to always rotate.
shape - The shape of the “cloud” to draw. Can be a keyword present.
widgetsize - size of the widgets
figPath - The path to a figure used as a mask.
hoverFunction - Callback to call when the cursor enters or leaves a region occupied by a word.
var options = {
list: words,
gridSize: 10, // Adjust the size of the grid
weightFactor: 5, // Adjust the weight factor
fontFamily: 'Arial', // Change the font family
color: 'random-light', // Specify the color scheme
// color: color ,
backgroundColor: '#fff', // Background color
rotateRatio: 0.5, // Rotate words
WordCloud.minFontSize = "10px"
list = [];
for (var i in words) {
list.push([words[i]["text"], words[i]["size"]])
// canvas = document.getElementById('word_cloud')
// htmlcanvas= document.getElementById('wordcloud')
// WordCloud(document.getElementById('word_cloud'), {
], {
list: list,
// drawOutOfBound: true,
backgroundColor: '#fff', // Background color
gridSize: 20, // Adjust the size of the grid
rotateRatio: 0.2, // Rotate words
color: 'random-light', // Specify the color scheme
fontFamily: 'Arial', // Change the font family
weightFactor: 1, // Adjust the weight factor
classes: 'tag-cloud-item',
// drawMask: true,
hover: (item) => { onWordHover(item) }, // geht bei canvas und html
// "hover": '',
click: (item) => { onClick(item); } // geht nur bei canvas
<div id="Hello">
Hello 1
<div id="World">
World 1
Beautiful Tag Cloud Generator With Vanilla JS – wordcloud2.js
Written on October 12, 2023